Image of movie Ballad of Philip Guston
Image of movie Ballad of Philip Guston
Image of movie Ballad of Philip Guston

Ballad of Philip Guston

Jem Cohen
USA 2022
30 min

Cohens Kunst fußt nicht zuletzt in seinen Kollaborationen. Für OPENED ENDING liefert er kongeniale „Visuals“ von New York, wo er seit Jahrzehnten jeden Winkel erkundet und allerlei magische und elende Streetlife-Momente eingefangen hat – nämlich für die jüdische „Mourning Music“ von Jessica Moss (Mitbegründerin von Black Ox Orkestar). Xylouris Whites TREE SONG befördert Cohen vor einen klassischen Bigscreen-Desert-Highway-Sunset. Ein Hund im nächtlichen Lichtertanz steht am Beginn von OR NOTHING, der den losgelösten Drummer Jim White (genau, der von Xylouris White) und den entfesselten Elektro-Gitarristen Emmett Kelly in der urbanen Morgendämmerung performen lässt. Und den scheinbar naiven, teils witzigen Bildern des Cartoonisten und Malers Phillip Goldstein geht Cohen in BALLAD OF PHILIP GUSTON (Special Preview Screening) auf den wahrlich tiefen Grund. More than meets the eye. (Roman Scheiber)

Im Anschluss Gespräch zwischen Jem Cohen und James Benning.
Dieser Film läuft im Rahmen des Screenings JEM COHEN. BALLADS.

The work of Jem Cohen closely intertwines with music. Music with an affinity to his own aesthetic: unadorned, lyrical, sincere – and yet also raw, confronting, abrasive, unafraid to look at everything and everyone ruined and abandoned by society. Cohen himself uses similar words to describe a beloved artist’s approach to painting in the plangent, essayistic BALLAD OF PHILIP GUSTON (Special Preview Screening). In the rest of this Cohen round-up, a network of musical friendships and artistic collaborations appears. TREE SONG showcases a track by the duo Xylouris White; Cohen’s static landscape frames resonate with the combination of old and new musical styles. Jim White on drums then reappears on a rooftop in OR NOTHING alongside thrashing guitarist Emmett Kelly. Jim White is associated with Jessica Moss, whose investigation of Jewish musical tradition fills both OPENED ENDING, a mournful violin drone set against a free montage of images captured in New York streets; and TISH NIGN, featuring the music of Black Ox Orkestar. At one point, a truck with the word “Time” painted in large letters passes by – could any stolen moment sum up better the cinema of Jem Cohen? (Adrian Martin)

Special Preview Screening
Followed by a talk between Jem Cohen and James Benning.
This film will be shown as part of the screening JEM COHEN. BALLADS.


Gravity Hill Films

Gravity Hill Films

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