Image of movie Last Days In a Lonely Place
Image of movie Last Days In a Lonely Place

Last Days In a Lonely Place

Phil Solomon
USA 2008
22 min

Der zu früh verstorbene Filmkünstler Phil Solomon (1952–2019) hat ein Werk voll poetischer Schönheit hinterlassen. Als „inversen Archäologen“ hat Solomon sich bezeichnet, der „Schmutz“ auf gefundene Filmartefakte werfe, um ihnen ihr Vertrautes zu rauben. Seine chemischen Interventionen resultieren in einer Balance zwischen Figuration und Abstraktion, im Vokabular eines Inneren, getragen auch von einer sorgfältig komponierten Klangwelt. REMAINS TO BE SEEN verschmilzt Super 8 und medizinische Filme, um einen fragilen Bewusstseinszustand voll Erinnerungen zu evozieren. Auch TWILIGHT PSALM II: WALKING DISTANCE umkreist mit seinen malerisch-taktilen Bildern eine existenzielle Krise. THE EMBLAZONED APPARITIONS erweist der Ära des Stummfilms Referenz, während REHEARSALS FOR RETIREMENT und LAST DAYS IN A LONELY PLACE die Bildwelten des „Grand Theft Auto“-Games austrickst, um der Entfremdung gegenüber „Wirklichkeit“ Ausdruck zu verleihen. (E.H.)

Mit einer Einführung von Eve Heller.

Internationally acclaimed US-American filmmaker Phil Solomon (1952-2019) created a body of cinematic virtuosity and poetic resonance that profoundly expanded the found footage genre as he explored and exploited material idiosyncrasies of his sources – whether chemically altering the emulsion of Hollywood films and personal home movies or detourning the digital gaming universe. In his analog days, Solomon described himself as an inverse archeologist, throwing “Schmutz” on cultural artifacts to defamiliarize the imagery, creating works that walk a fine line between abstraction and figuration, unfolding an interior emotional vocabulary seamlessly married to meticulously constellated worlds of sound. Made in the wake of a loved one’s illness and passing, REMAINS TO BE SEEN (1989/1994) weaves Super 8 material, home movies, and medical footage to render fragile states of consciousness and poignant retrospective reflection. TWILIGHT PSALM II: WALKING DISTANCE (1993) crackles and coagulates a painterly tactility of deeply personal existential struggle. THE EMBLAZONED APPARITIONS (2013) is a digital/analog hybrid, bidding farewell to the Golden Era of silent cinema while paying double-edged homage to the Industrial Era of its birth. With REHEARSALS FOR RETIREMENT (2007) and LAST DAYS IN A LONELY PLACE (2008) Solomon entered a new dimension, using “cheats” to undermine the Grand Theft Auto gaming universe, rendering simulacra of fatalistic melancholy, worldly estrangement and end times eerily relevant to the apocalyptic mood and realities of our day and age. Finally, TWILIGHT PSALM IV: VALLEY OF THE SHADOW (2013) serves as poignant coda of love and loss. (Eve Heller)

With an introduction by Eve Heller.

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