

Tiago Mata Machado
Brasilien 2010
120 min

Living in a temporary autonomous zone, a group of residents spend their days dealing with small lunatic plots, quixotesque farces and Rimbaudian delusions. The gross and quixotic adventure inevitably ends in a stalemate, the roundabout where the group finds itself stuck at the end of a tragicomic odyssey. An image that summarizes the absurd claim of founding a new vanguard. Leading up to the end of the aesthetic research, the residents end up finding a new ethic at the end of the road: after all, if the vanguards repeat themselves as farce, farce is hardly devoid of the disruptive power of the original gesture.

The film will also be screened in the OmdU version.

Katásia Filmes

Kfofo Productions

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