
Peter Handke - Bin im Wald. Kann sein, dass ich mich verspäte… (OF)

Peter Handke – In the Woods, Might Be Late
Corinna Belz
DEU 2016
89 min

Filmmaker Corinna Belz explores the enigma that is Peter Handke: from the portrait of a young man from the Austrian countryside who wrote his way onto the literary center stage, to his current life at home in the Paris suburbs. For more than five decades, this shy yet often provocative man has devoted himself to writing: prose, essays, novels, plays, screenplays. The rhythm and precision of his language, the long, pulsating sentences, the invention and examination of reality – all elements behind this unmistakable voice in modern literature.
“Conversing is no easy matter, so precious yet precarious is the terrain. No surprise that my questions, too, were critically appraised. Trial and error, then try again. I often came to film with questions or certain topics in mind. In conversation, however, my choice of words would then sometimes illicit sharp criticism, because of Mr. Handke’s extremely precise and sensitive use of language. For example: he doesn’t like the word ‘work’. For the word ‘to write’, in German, he uses the word ‘to do’. This constant cross-examination could be so unnerving, that I had to keep my wits about me to keep from becoming tongue-tied.” (Corinna Belz)

In the presence of Corinna Belz.

  • Corinna Belz
  • Nina Wesemann
  • Axel Schneppat
  • Piotr Rosolowski
  • Andreas Hildebrandt
  • Stephan Krumbiegel
  • Peter Handke
  • Sophie Semin
  • Amina Handke
  • Sophie Handke
zero one film

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