Image of movie Nous disons révolution
Image of movie Nous disons révolution
Image of movie Nous disons révolution

Nous disons révolution

Let's Say Revolution
Nicolas Klotz, Elisabeth Perceval
Frankreich 2021
128 min

Revolution steht im Zentrum dieser komplexen audio-visuellen Textur, aber nicht nur im Sinne eines politischen Aufruhrs, sondern auch als Drehbewegung des Körpers, wie sie sich im Tanz manifestiert. Und der Film bringt seine Bilder und Töne fürwahr in eine schwindelerregende Rotation. Es geht um Sklaverei und Machtarrangements, um reale und metaphorische Flucht- bewegungen über verschiedene Kontinente. Das heterogene Material, mal in Schwarzweiß, mal in Farbe, ist zu wilden Assemblagen organisiert und liefert mit Offscreen-Textmontagen eine philosophisch-theoretische Metaebene mit. „Wer mit den Schatten tanzt“, heißt es einmal, „der hat die Macht.“ (Thomas Mießgang)

In Anwesenheit von Elisabeth Perceval und Nicolas Klotz.

There are “four races” in the new film by French directors Elisabeth Perceval and Nicolas Klotz, all of which test what the word “documentary” means. Each race is a chapter and each chapter is politically attuned to the people we see on the screen.
LET’S SAY REVOLUTION is a non-conventional “film-in- progress” crafted from material collected over several years for different projects in several continents. Perceval and Klotz started with a screenplay loosely based on a short story by William Faulkner about the escape of a slave. This led them to several half-improvised shoots in Brazzaville and Barcelona, where they had no idea what they would find, as well as one by a canal in Paris where a refugee camp had been set up.
About two years ago, a short text by Spanish writer and philosopher Paul B. Preciado (that eventually gave the film its title) interacted with the previously recorded material and the rushes that the filmmakers had just shot in São Paulo during a visit to the film festival there. LET’S SAY REVOLUTION is a transhistorical epic about exile, a film haunted by colonization past and present and slavery in the age of globalization. (Francisco Ferreira)

In the presence of Elisabeth Perceval and Nicolas Klotz.

Elisabeth Perceval, Nicolas Klotz: PARIA (2000), LA BLESSURE (2004), LA QUESTION HUMAINE (2007), LOW LIFE (2011), L’HÉROÏQUE LANDE (2017), FUGITIF OÙ COURS-TU ? (2018), SAXIFRAGES, QUATRE NUITS BLANCHES (2021)

  • Vivaldi Malonga
  • Job Okama
  • Sagesse Nzaou
  • Mamadou
  • Salif Maiga
  • Ella Ganga
  • DeLaVallet Bidiefono
  • Solis
  • Elisabeth Perceval
  • Victoria Berunyo
  • Lina Gorbaneva
  • Tristana
  • Tulipa Ruiz
  • Nicolas Klotz
  • Elisabeth Perceval
  • Amanda Vilaveija
  • Mikael Barre
  • Nicolas Klotz
  • Elisabeth Perceval
  • Sun Ra
  • Ulysse Klotz
  • Edouard Artemiev
Unexpected Films, Mata Atlantica, Le Centre Pompidou, Image - Mouvement, Arte France - La Lucarne
Bertrand Scalabre, Unexpected Films
Farbe und schwarzweiß
Di. 26 Okt
Mi. 27 Okt
Metro, Historischer Saal
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