Retrospektive 2018

My Name is Julia Ross

Joseph H. Lewis
USA 1945
64 min

Joseph H. Lewis’ Regiearbeit wird als eine zwar weniger aufwendig produzierte, aber umso brillanter stilisierte Antwort auf Filme wie REBECCA oder GASLIGHT interpretiert. Nina Foch debütiert als junge Frau, die im Dienst eines finsteren Plans gezwungen wird, eine Tote zu verkörpern. Die Melange von psychisch gestörten Menschen, Gothic-Horror-Elementen sowie einer bis zur Respektlosigkeit getriebenen komödiantischen Attitüde macht diesen B-Film zum Zerrspiegel prestigereicher Großproduktionen. Für Lewis bedeutete sein unerwarteter Erfolg, dass Columbia den Film nachträglich in den Rang eines A-Pictures erhob.



B-film maverick Joseph H. Lewis delivered a low-rent yet brilliantly stylized reply to REBECCA and GASLIGHT starring a sensitive Nina Foch, in her debut role, as a young woman abducted to a seaside mansion to play the role of an already dead woman and victim of a sinister scheme. With George Macready as a knife wielding psychotic man-child and Dame May Whitty as his coddling elderly mother, MY NAME IS JULIA ROSS releases the Gothic spirits of the Forties woman-trapped-in-an-old-house cycle into a brisk thriller animated by comically irreverent touches. True to its boldly assertive title, MY NAME IS JULIA ROSS flaunts the rich potential of the B-film to act as a revealingly distorting mirror of the more predictable and prestigious big-budgeted A-films. Indeed, scenes of Foch pulling apart the wall panels and stair cases to discover secret passages seem to subversively celebrate the thread-bare sets of Lewis’ low-budget production. An unexpected break out hit, MY NAME IS JULIA ROSS was so popular it was elevated by Columbia to an A-feature and moved to the prestigious top half of double bills. (Haden Guest)


  • Doris Lloyd - Mrs. Cutten
  • George Macready - Ballin Mundson
  • May Whitty
  • Roland Varno
  • Anita Sharp-Bolster
  • Nina Foch
  • Muriel Roy Bolton based on the novel by Anthony Gilbert
  • Burnett Guffey
Columbia Pictures
35 mm
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