
Kız kardeşler (OmeU)

A Tale of Three Sisters
Emin Alper
Türkei, D, NL, GR 2019
108 min

Ein Dorf in Anatolien. Der verwitwete Vater hatte seine drei Töchter in die Stadt geschickt, um ihre Chancen zu verbessern und damit sie zumindest Lesen und Schreiben lernen. Doch sie kehren, aus unterschiedlichen Gründen, wieder zurück. Was soll nun aus den Mädchen werden? In seinem meisterlich verdichteten und hervorragend fotografierten Drama entwirft Alper ein vielschichtiges Bild. Es fächert die familiären Beziehungen wie die sozialen Strukturen auf, in die diese eingebettet sind, und verdeutlicht, dass Macht und Schuld nicht so ebenmäßig verteilt sind, wie zunächst angenommen. (Alexandra Seitz)

In Anwesenheit von Ece Yüksel.


Russian literature has been something of an axiom for recent Turkish cinema, something we have seen in the work of contemporary masters such as Nuri Bilge Ceylan and Zeki Demirkubuz. Chekhov’s dramatic spirit likewise animates KIZ KARDEŞLER, the third feature by Emin Alper. At its heart a family drama about an elderly widower and his misguided attempts to improve the lot of his daughters, KIZ KARDEŞLER departs from surface realism to embrace black humor, melodrama, and Expressionism, all in order to reflect the delusions that drive us on.
Set in a desolate village in central Anatolia, where the only available work was a mine that has long since collapsed, Alper’s film stages a confrontation between rural patriarchy and urban dreams. All eligible men having long since fled the village, the father’s solution has been to adopt out his daughters to city folk and maids and nannies.
But each of them has been sent back down to the village for different reasons. The one constant is that the women are constantly subject to the whims of others. KIZ KARDEŞLER shows the women’s ambivalence, their destinies triangulated through flawed, unreliable men. (Michael Sicinski)

In the presence of Ece Yüksel.

  • Cemre Ebuzziya - Reyhan
  • Ece Yüksel - Nurhan
  • Helin Kandemir - Havva
  • Müfit Kayacan - Sevket
  • Emin Alper
  • Emre Erkmen
  • Marcel de Hoogd
  • Çiçek Kahraman
  • Giorgos Papaioannou
  • Nikos Papaioannou
  • Ismail Durmaz
  • Alceste Tosca Wegner
Liman Film, NuLook, Komplizen Film, Circe Films, Horsefly Productions

The Match Factory

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