Image of movie Khers nist
Image of movie Khers nist

Khers nist

No Bears
Jafar Panahi
Iran 2022
107 min

Vor wenigen Monaten erst wurde Panahi verhaftet und sitzt seitdem im Iran eine sechsjährige Gefängnisstrafe wegen angeblicher „Propaganda gegen das Regime“ ab. Mit KHERS NIST konnte er aber vorher noch einen Film fertigstellen, einen Meta-Stoff, in dem er selbst wieder die Hauptrolle spielt und dabei seine schwierige Situation vor der Verhaftung thematisiert, als Filmemacher, der trotz Arbeitsverbots heimlich ein Projekt an der Grenzregion realisiert – er aus der Distanz in einem Dorf auf iranischer und seine Crew auf türkischer Seite. Ein Projekt, das sich zu einer so mutigen wie klugen Reflexion über soziale Kontrolle und (künstlerische) Freiheit entwickelt: KHERS NIST. (Sascha Rettig)

In July of this year, Iranian director Jafar Panahi was sentenced to serve his prison term for speaking out on behalf of his imprisoned colleague Mohammad Rasoulof. His latest film NO BEARS can once again be read as a metatext on his situation as an artist banned from working, as the film’s intricate narrative is about the production of images: not only those created in cameras, but also those created in minds. And with that, it quickly arrives at the question of what one is allowed to show without offending someone else (or some authority).
NO BEARS is set in a village close to the Turkish border and is essentially a variation on the story of Romeo and Juliet, with the filmmaker himself acting as a third party. While his work cannot stop the course of events, he does allow a methodology to emerge that prevents two couples from getting together. Panahi artfully connects these two stories of compromised love, the chicaneries of superstitious tradition and those of state authorities. The fact that the cinematic search for the truth in this thicket of different interests causes further confusion only makes the film all the more explosive. (Dominik Kamalzadeh)

Jafar Panahi: DER WEISSE BALLON (1995), DER KREIS (2000), CRIMSON GOLD (2003), OFFSIDE (2006), DIES IST KEIN FILM (2011), PARDÉ (2013), TAXI TEHERAN (2015), DREI GESICHTER (2018)

  • Jafar Panahi
  • Naser Hashemi
  • Vahid Mobaseri
  • Bakhtiar Panjeei
  • Mina Kavani
  • Reza Heydari
  • Jafar Panahi
  • Amin Jafari
  • Mohammadreza Delpak
  • Abdolreza Heydari
  • Iman Baziyar
  • Alireza Nekoolal Tak
  • Shahin
  • Khakpour
  • Salar Salimi
  • Amir Etminan
  • Babak Jajaie Tabrizi
  • Leyla Siyahi
JP Production

Celluloid Dreams

Panda Lichtspiele Filmverleih GmbH
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