Image of movie Todos os mortos
Image of movie Todos os mortos
Image of movie Todos os mortos

Todos os mortos

All the Dead Ones
Caetano Gotardo, Marco Dutra
Brasilien, Frankreich 2020
120 min

São Paolo, zwischen dem Unabhängigkeitstag 1899 und Karneval 1900; vor Kurzem erst wurde die Sklaverei abgeschafft, doch überall noch ist sie präsent, bestimmt den Umgang der Menschen miteinander, prägt ihre Gedanken und Gefühle. In dieser Umbruchsituation treffen zwei auf unterschiedliche Weise zerrissene und dabei doch ineinander verstrickte Familien aufeinander – die einen waren einmal die Sklaven der anderen. Überraschend bricht mitunter die brasilianische Gegenwart in TODOS OS MORTOS ein und weist die Erzählung als eine mit historischem Bewusstsein aus. In der Vergangenheit dringt sie zu einer der Wurzeln heutiger Mißstände vor und zeigt, was Identitätsraub heißt. (Alexandra Seitz)

Appearances are deceptive: this is not a historical tale, not even a revisionist one. The shift to the end of the 19th century only generates a distance so that the confusing signs of the present can be seen and listened to in a different way. This is indicated by the moments when we suddenly see the characters in this century’s urban landscapes without warning, still in their full 19th-century attire. The continuity of time and space is deliberately symbolic here, as are the two family stories that make up the plot: one involving an aristocratic white family from São Paulo and the other a family of former slaves, which refer to the European and African origins of the Brazilian nation, where class, race, and religious differences persist until today. Misfortune defines both the masters (a mother and her two daughters; one of them a nun, the other with a tendency towards madness) and the servants (a grandmother, a granddaughter, and a great-grandson). The class violence and mutual seduction felt by both families is laid bare in their daily interactions, which are what make up the tale itself. (Roger Koza)

Caetano Gotardo: SAND (2008, K), THE BOATS (2012, K, Ko-Regie), THE MOVING CREATURES (2013), MATÉRIA (2014, K), LET THE STORM (2017, K), YOUR BONES AND YOUR EYES (2018) Marco Dutra HARD LABOR (2011, Ko- Regie), WHEN I WAS ALIVE (2014), THE SILENCE OF THE SKY (2016), GOOD MANNERS (2017, Ko-Regie)
Marco Dutra: HARD LABOR (2011, Ko- Regie), WHEN I WAS ALIVE (2014), THE SILENCE OF THE SKY (2016), GOOD MANNERS (2017, Ko-Regie)

  • Carolina Bianchi - Ana
  • Mawusi Tulani - Iná
  • Clarissa Kiste - Maria
  • Thaia Perez - Isabel
  • Rogério Brito - Antônio
  • Thomás Aquino - Eduardo
  • Caetano Gotardo
  • Marco Dutra
  • Hélène Louvart
  • Marco Dutra
  • Caetano Gotardo
  • Juliana Rojas
  • Gui Braz
  • Salloma Salomão
  • Juliana Lobo
Dezenove Som e Imagens, Goof Fortune Films

Indie Sales

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