Image of movie Responsabilidad empresarial
Image of movie Responsabilidad empresarial
Image of movie Responsabilidad empresarial

Responsabilidad empresarial

Corporate Accountability
Jonathan Perel
Argentinien 2020
68 min

In ruhigen Totalen richtet sich der Blick der Kamera aus dem geparkten Wagen heraus auf unterschiedliche Fabriksgelände. Aus dem Off dringt die Stimme Perels, der die jeweils zugehörigen Passagen aus einem 2015 erschienenen Bericht des argentinischen Ministeriums für Justiz und Menschenrechte vorliest. Darin belegt wird die Komplizenschaft von Unternehmern bei der Einschüchterung, dem Verschwinden, Foltern und Ermorden von Aktivist*innen der Arbeiterklasse während der Diktatur. Wieder und wieder und wieder: rauchende Schlote, reger Transportverkehr, "Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit" im Zuge der Gewinnmaximierung. Der militärisch-industrielle Komplex bei der Arbeit. (Alexandra Seitz)

Outstanding Argentinian filmmaker Jonathan Perel – whose TOPONÍMIA (Viennale 2015) remains a genuine landmark in recent cinema – has so far dedicated his entire career to forensically exploring the realities and consequences of the military dictatorship which dominated his country from 1976 (the year of his birth) to 1983. His latest, unveiled to considerable critical praise at this year's Berlinale Forum, sees him "adapt" – in simple but highly original form – a 2015 government publication entitled "Corporate accountability in crimes against humanity: Repression of workers during state terrorism."
Also a key collaborator on Heinz Emigholz's THE LOBBY (p. 70) and THE LAST CITY (p. 69), Perel personally visits 25 industrial sites across Argentina run by firms who collaborated with the "civicmilitary" administration of the junta years – including multinationals like Ford. In the style of a private investigator, he films these factories and plants through his car-windscreen as he narrates the relevant account of each enterprise's misdeeds. Compiling images of striking clarity and compositional power, the result is meditative, politically engaged cinema of the most piercingly illuminating kind. (Neil Young)

Jonathan Perel: EL PREDIO (2010), LOS MURALES (2011, K), 17 MONUMENTOS (2012), TABULA RASA (2013), LAS AGUAS DEL OLVIDO (2014, K), TOPONIMIA (2015), 5-T-2 USHUAIA (2016, K)

  • Jonathan Perel
  • Jonathan Perel
  • Jonathan Perel
Jonathan Perel

Jonathan Perel

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