Image of movie Die Erben
Image of movie Die Erben
Image of movie Die Erben
Kinematografie: Keine Angst

Die Erben

Walter Bannert
Österreich 1983
97 min

Für den Gymnasiasten Thomas und den Kleinkriminellen Charly scheint die Zukunft wenig zu versprechen: Der eine steht unter dem Erwartungsdruck seiner Mutter, der andere hat seinen Job verloren. Eine Reihe Alt- und Neo-Nazis bietet den beiden Teenagern das perfekte Aufangbecken. Bannert besuchte über Jahre hinweg neofaschistische Jugendclubs, um das Erstarken der Neo-Nazi-Szene der späten 1970er zu ergründen. In seiner Inszenierung schreckt er nicht vor der Darstellung sexualisierter und rechtsextremer Gewalt zurück. Drohungen waren die Folge. Auf radikalere Weise als vielleicht erwartet, erfüllt der Regisseur so sein Ziel, das Publikum „emotional aufzuladen“. (Bianca Jasmina Rauch)

Zu Beginn der Vorführung wird eine 7–8-minütige Episode aus dem Kinomagazin SCOPE der Jahre 1982 und 1983 gezeigt.

“It’s going to be pretty empty, your future: unemployment and deathly boredom”: this is the prediction made by Thomas, a high school student, to his new friend Charly, who is hustling as a small-time criminal. Each from diferent economic backgrounds but both misunderstood by their authoritarian or violent parents and peers, the two teenagers feel lost and thus fall into the deceitful eddy of old Nazis and neo-Nazis. Nationalism, anti-Semitism and anti-communism appear to ofer the solution to their coming-of-age problems. After Walter Bannert and co-writer Erich A. Richter witnessed an attack on a café by right-wing extremist youths, the director spent several years visiting neo-fascist youth clubs in order to understand the background to the rise of Nazism during the late 1970s. In his film, Bannert does not shy away from depicting sexualised and right-wing extremist violence; he also makes references to politicians of his time—such as right-wing extremist Norbert Burger. Bannert and his wife received threats following screenings of ths film, as did cinemas that showed it. In this sense, Bannert fulfilled his objective of making the audience feel “emotionally loaded” in a more radical way than he might have expected. (Bianca Jasmina Rauch)

At the beginning of the screening, an episode of 7–8 minutes from the cinema magazine SCOPE of 1982 and 1983 will be shown.


  • Nikolas Vogel
  • Roger Schauer
  • Wolfgang Gasser
  • Anneliese Stöckl-Eberhard
  • Jaromír Borek
  • Walter Bannert
  • Erich A. Richter
  • Hanus Polak
  • Ekkehard Baumung
  • Walter Bannert
Bannert Film
Fr. 27 Okt
Metro, Historischer Saal
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