Special: Rebellious Image Noticieros

Noticieros: Programm 1964-65

87 min

1964, the year of the economy and the technological revolution, is being celebrated with an military parade in Havana. Victor Rojas, street sweeper by profession, tells us proudly how his family’s life has turned for the best after the Revolution. We discover Santiago de Cuba, its bustling streets, its cafés and ice cream shops and its festive decorated shop windows in honor of the XI anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks on July 26, 1953. In Congo, the rebels are attacked by American and Belgian troops; on screen we see archive images of Lumumba’s arrest. Provoked by the execution of the Vietnamese martyr Nguyen Van Troi, the Liberation Front of South Vietnam shows its unbroken will to win the war by successfully bombing the Bien Hoa airport near Saigon. In Revolution Square in Havana, 1965 is solemnly declared: the year of agriculture. In the meanwhile, thousands of students travel by bus and train, day and night to the country’s coffee plantations.

  • Julio Batista
  • Enrique Lopez
Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC)
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