Monography Angela Schanelec

Mein langsames Leben

Passing Summer
Angela Schanelec
D 2001
84 min

Two women meet in a cafe. Sophie will go to Rome for half a year, Valerie will stay in Berlin. Angela Schanelec will stick with Valerie and follow her for the duration of a summer, picking up on an idea from an earlier movie: ICH BIN DEN SOMMER ÜBER IN BERLIN GEBLIEBEN. Valerie is a writer. That might be one of the reasons why her life is slow. Maybe she knows a bit too much about herself to live spontaneously and run into past love affairs all the time, as it seems to be with other people. Maybe even her writing suffers from a certain overload of consciousness, as one reader tries to suggest, but he might just be projecting. Schanelec always strives for an ideal of presence in her films: the characters have stories, of course, even back stories, family stories, and fates, if you will. But what counts is the moment and it doesn’t even have to be a precious one. Valerie goes through a lot this summer, she attends a wedding, visits her parents, meets a man. But what counts is probably in the images of Reinhold Vorschneider: they display a certain transparency, as if this life were just a mirror of something that only a receptive soul can find. (Bert Rebhandl)

In the presence of Angela Schanelec.

  • Ursina Lardi - Valerie
  • Andreas Patton - Thomas
  • Anne Tismer - Marie
  • Wolfgang Michael - Marie's husband
  • Sophie Aigner - Maria
  • Nina Weniger - Sophie
  • Devid Striesow - Valerie's brother
  • Louis Schanelec - Louis
  • Hans-Michael Rehberg - Professor
  • Angela Schanelec
  • Reinhold Vorschneider
  • Heino Herrenbrück
  • Jochen Hergersberg
  • Andreas Ruft
  • Bettina Böhler
  • Angela Schanelec
  • Anette Guther
Schramm Film Koerner & Weber, ZDF

Peripher FilmverleihSegitzdamm 210969 Berlin, DeutschlandT 30 614 24 64

Deutsche Kinemathek
35 mm
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