

Carlos Conceição
Angola, P 2019
85 min

Von Traumpfaden sprach Bruce Chatwin in seinem Buch über Australien. Auf SERPENTÁRIO ließe sich dieser Begriff gut übertragen, auch die Landschaft weist Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Outback auf: Die entlegenen Regionen von Angola sind für den Filmemacher zugleich Heimat und „außerirdisches“ Terrain. Flirrende Wüstenbilder bilden einen topografischen Nullpunkt, an dem Conceição seinen Bewusstseinsstrom ausrichten kann: Persönliche, koloniale, spekulative Geschichten werden zu einem dichten, elegischen Filmtext verwoben, der in einem langlebigen Vogel (einem „Sekretär“, portugiesisch: „Serpentário“) seine Symbolfigur findet. (Bert Rebhandl)

In Anwesenheit von Carlos Conceição und João Arrais.


Carlos Conceição’s first feature-length work SERPENTÁRIO unfolds before our eyes as a hypnotic journey between memories and premonitory visions, with the idea of voyage as the starting point for a personal and collective search. The film and the gaze of Conceição, a long-time collaborator of João Pedro Rodrigues and João Rui Guerra da Mata, is inextricably rooted in his personal journey, and that of his family, from Angola to Portugal. Through undefinable landscapes, haunting mythology, and sci-fi ruins, the search for the director’s mother and his origins begins. SERPENTÁRIO progressively takes shape as a cinematic alter ego that speaks of the act of leaving, setting out, exploring. Preoccupations such as colonialism, slavery, and the relationship between the land and people who belong to it are embedded in the idea of a spiritual quest. SERPENTÁRIO unfolds as an odyssey, an ancestral road movie, suspended between multiple dimensions that take us through the desert, ruins, history, future, and all those places of life and death. However, the Serpentarium is also the place where snakes are bred, it is the job of those who carry them, the constellation from which it’s possible to observe the world. (Nico Marzano)

In the presence of Carlos Conceição und João Arrais.


  • João Arrais
  • Carlos Conceição
  • Carlos Conceição
  • Carlos Conceição
  • Rafael Gonçalves Cardoso
  • Mariana Gaivão
  • Carlos Conceição
  • António Gonçalves
  • Hugo Leitão
  • Carlos Conceição
Mirabilis, Agencia da Curta Metragem
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