
Ni de lian

Your Face
Tsai Ming-liang
Taiwan 2018
77 min

Statt einsamer Scooterboys und Panoramen urbaner Entfremdung nun fixe Großaufnahmen von Gesichtern, in denen die Zeit über einem filigranen Soundtrack von Ryuichi Sakamoto ihr Werk verrichtet. Seit Tsai sich aus seiner Rolle als Starregisseur des internationalen Autorenkinos zurückgezogen hat, überführt er sein Werk mit jedem neuen Film weiter hin zu einer empathischen Poetik der Gelassenheit ohne vorab festgelegtes Ziel. Da will einer nicht in der vielfach unterstellten Schaffenskrise überwintern, sondern fordert Offenheit abseits auserzählter Formen ein: „Etliche denken, die Möglichkeiten des Kinos seien weitgehend erschöpft. Falsch, es gibt noch sehr viel zu erkunden.“ (Stephan Settele)


The first woman can’t keep a smile from her lips; the third woman wiggles her tongue frantically before collapsing into giggles. When the second man blinks, his eyes stay shut longer than necessary; the fourth man plays a harmonica but makes no other sound. We only ever see their faces, shot from the front or in profile, looking into the frame or past it, at something or someone else, with the same backdrop each time, an indeterminate room of shadows and shades of green. Some speak or even converse with the man behind the camera, others stay silent or appear to fall asleep; all have reached a certain age. The chimes and drones on the soundtrack ebb and flow, although their rhythm is as unpredictable as that of the film, there’s no fixed duration, no certainty of start or finish, no set amount of context, the faces are the only true constant, together with the movements they make. Recollections of childhood, money, and love flow out of wrinkles, foreheads, and baggy eyelids, or perhaps it’s the other way around. The last man is an actor and a familiar one at that, but here he’s no different from all the rest; faces grow old on the big screen, just like your face, like mine. (James Lattimer)

  • Lee Kang-sheng
  • Lee Liu Chin-Hua
  • Huang Hsueh-Feng
  • Ian Ku
  • Dennis Tsao
  • Chang Jhong-Yuan
  • Ryuichi Sakamoto
Homegreen Films

Homegreen Films

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