Bruno Jorge


21 Okt 2023


Wir haben Filmemacher:innen eingeladen, mit uns Materialien zu teilen, die für ihren Film in irgendeiner Weise wichtig waren: Inspirationen wie Fotos oder Zeitungsartikel, Shotlists, Drehbuchseiten, Notizen und vieles mehr.

Bruno Jorge, Regisseur des Film A INVENÇÃO DO OUTRO, teilt mit uns ein Foto, das während der Dreharbeiten im Amazonas-Regenwald entstand sowie ein Bild aus dem Film und erzählt die berührende Hintergrundgeschichte:

"This is a photo that precedes an important frame of the film (a photo still and a frame of the film), it may be of interest to someone. In brief, the film tells the story of an expedition carried out deep in the Amazon rainforest to seek out and establish first contact between isolated indigenous people and non-indigenous people. It was more than a month of expedition, counting several and several days of long walks. To feed us, it was necessary to kill any possible animal that appeared in front of us and carry it until the end of the day, when we camped for the night. At a certain point, I was one of those responsible for the carrying part of the food, which in this case was a monkey. As I was always filming, holding the camera, no hands free, I hung the monkey on my head in the same way the indigenous people do. When we found the first two isolated Indigenous, I dropped the dead monkey on the ground to be able to work better, and in perhaps the most emblematic moment of the sequence (or of the entire film), when the two isolated indigenous celebrated finding the brother who was traveling with us (and who they had thought was dead) they crouched hugging each other next to the same monkey corpse that I had left on the ground, singing and crying copiously." - Bruno Jorge


Image of movie A invenção do outro

Bruno Jorge | Brasilien 2022 | 144 min | OmeU
Screenings am: 
Samstag, 21. Oktober: 14.30 Uhr - Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus
Sonntag, 22. Oktober: 21.00 Uhr - Metro, Historischer Saal