

Jean-Marie Straub
FRA 2009
17 min

We see Giorgio Passerone, a professor of Italian Literature, sitting on the hillside in the Tuscan town of Buti, reciting the end of Dante’s “Divine Comedy” – an epic poetic journey from Hell and Purgatory to Paradise. Dante’s verses about “divine light” reflect a vision and render it in words. His language is the Tuscan dialect, which was later established as the Italian standard. Furthermore, it formed the basis for the language of Vittorini and Pavese, as Straub explains when asked why he chose Dante. The acknowledgement of the most divine is a vision, and the most divine in the verses is a “resonance”, or, as it says in the original: “per sonare un poco in questi versi” (“a little sounding in these verses”). (Markus Nechleba)

]]>O somma luce]]> will be screened before Klassenverhältnisse on October, 26 and Les Avatars de la mort d’Empédocle on October, 27.

  • Giorgio Passerone
  • Jean-Marie Straub nach der «Divina Commedia» von Dante Alighieri («Paradiso»
  • 33. Gesang
  • Verse 67 bis 145)
  • Renato Berta
  • Catherine Quesemand
  • Jean-Pierre Duret
  • Jean-Pierre Laforce
Jean-Marie Straub, Pierre Grise Productions

Pierre Grise Productions

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