
Muere, monstruo, muere

Murder Me, Monster
Alejandro Fadel
Argentinien, FRA, Chile 2018
109 min

Hypnotic and brutal. Excessive and grandiose. Exciting and disconcerting. MUERE, MONSTRUO, MUERE is a horror story and a romantic drama, a monster movie and a thriller about serial killers, a film that challenges the viewer to go as far as the director goes with his own peculiar ideas. In that combination of excess and brutality mixed with an art-house tempo and a series of complex themes – from the cerebral to the weirdly philosophical – lies the improbable and strange beauty of this film. A series of very gruesome murders of women take place in the desolate Argentine West. They all show up with their heads violently cut off, and nobody seem to understand who could have done something like that, much less the police investigators: A man? A creature? Something in between? But this is just the beginning of a story that turns on itself and moves towards stranger and more mysterious places, outside the realms of human logic. Fadel introduces a universe of madness, illnesses, psychosis and mutations that is close in spirit to the cinema of David Cronenberg and David Lynch, but finds a way to make it its own: a noir horror western where anything can happen and no one is spared. (Diego Lerer)

  • Victor Lopez - Cruz
  • Esteban Bigliardi - David
  • Tania Casciani
  • Romina Iniesta
  • Alejandro Fadel
  • Julian Apezteguia
  • Manuel Rebella
  • Andres P. Estrada
  • Alex Nante
La Union De Los Rios, Rouge International, Uproduction, Cinestacion Production, Frutacine

The Match Factory

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