
Helle Nächte

DEU, NO 2017
84 min

A road trip through northern Norway with a father and a son who do not know each other: “Directed by a consummate artist unafraid to let the work speak for itself, Thomas Arslan’s BRIGHT NIGHTS feels like a breath of fresh air. Starring Georg Friedrich (surprise winner of the Berlinale Best Actor prize) as Michael, a divorcé who after the death of his father attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage son, BRIGHT NIGHTS finds Arslan continuing to move away from the austere urban genre scenarios he and his Berlin school affiliates built their reputations on, towards more ambiguous, existentially inclined narratives predicated on emotionally unmoored people navigating remote environments. Like GOLD (2013), BRIGHT NIGHTS is a beautifully shot, episodically plotted road movie given to long bouts of silence and lengthy passages of languid, seemingly uneventful observation. (Jordan Cronk)

In the presence of Thomas Arslan.

  • Georg Friedrich - Michael
  • Tristan Göbel - Luis
  • Marie Leuenberger - Leyla
  • Hanna Karlberg - Cecilia
  • Reinhold Vorschneider
  • Andreas Mücke-Niesytka
  • Reinaldo Pinto Almeida
  • Ola Fløttum
  • Reinhild Blaschke
  • Anette Guther
Schramm Film Koerner & Weber

The Match Factory

Stadtkino Verleih
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