

Alejandro Landes
Bolivien, Argentinien 2007
94 min

Born out of the «War on Drugs», an Aymara indian named Evo Morales - backed by a troop of coca leaf farmers - travels through Andes and Amazon in jeans and sneakers, leading a historic bid to become Bolivia's first indigenous president.

What first drew me to the story was the historical significance of Morales's unlikely bid to become the first indigenous president of a country that more than 500 years after the arrival of Christopher Columbus continues to live in a de-facto apartheid. His story mirrors the complexities of his country and its place in the world. With a population of only nine million, but home to vast coca fields and colossal natural gas reserves, Bolivia seemed a sort of regional battleground. Filmed in vérité style, handheld, without artificial lighting, with no scripted narration, the aim was to show the many layers and tones of grey within a particular human scenery, painting a vivid picture of a political phenomenon while raising a historic open question. (Alejandro Landes)

  • Evo Morales
  • Leonilda Zurita
  • Alejandro Landes
  • Jorge Manrique Behrens
  • Lena Esquenazi
  • Jacopo Quadri
  • Kate Taverna
  • Jorge Manrique Behrens
  • Lorenzo Bombicci
  • Leonardo Heiblum
  • Jacobo Lieberman
Fall Line Films Thames 1350 dept. 2 Buenos Aires, Argentinien T 11 477 610 15

Cinephil 18 Levontin Street Tel Aviv 65112, Israel T 3 566 4129

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