

Albert Serra
ESP 2006
103 min

A hauntingly serene and sometimes moving experimental take on «Don Quixote», Albert Serra's Honor de Cavalleria seems to have spliced that Spanish classic to «Waiting for Godot» via Bresson and Ozu. Silent and gentle where the original is verbose and tumultuous, Serra reads between the lines of Cervantes' masterpiece and works its absences up into two hours of painterly auteur fare. Over the first ten minutes, there are only a couple of brief exchanges as Sancho looks for a laurel crown for his master. The slow ritual of Sancho putting on Quixote's armor is shown, while the physically most active sequence has Quixote bathing in a river and gleefully encouraging Sancho to do the same. One night, Quixote is mysteriously spirited away by four men on white horses. With its beautifully nuanced and mostly voiceless thesping by the central duo, Honor de Cavalleria transmits an appealing air of serenity. Like the directly-recorded sound, lighting is entirely natural. Some scenes disappear into almost-blackness, but the supercharged, dramatic skies over the Catalan countryside are sufficiently spectacular not to need tech manipulation. There's not a windmill in sight. (Jonathan Holland)

  • Lluís Serrat
  • Lluís Carbó
  • Jimmy Gimferrer
  • Montse Triola nach dem Roman «El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha» von Miguel Cervantes
  • Albert Serra
  • Christophe Farnarier
  • Joan Pons
  • Jordi Rivas
  • Ángel Martín
  • Ferrant Font
  • Jimmy Gimferrer
  • Jimmy Gimferrer
Andergraun Films Aribau 40 08011 Barcelona, Spanien T 93 451 1231

Notro Films Lincoln 11, 3r 4a 08006 Barcelona, Spanien T 93 567 05 05

35 mm
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