
Do You Know Akane Okai?

Raphaël Harari
CH 2014
12 min

The filmmaker is travelling in a foreign land – to the Japanese village of Tawara to be precise – and is looking for someone he can film. He makes a valiant effort and talks to many locals, even though he hardly knows any Japanese and they can’t really speak English. Finally he meets a young woman who shares a part of her life with him.

In the presence of Raphael Harari.

  • Raphaël Harari
  • Raphaël Harari
  • Raphaël Harari
  • Raphaël Harari
  • Adrien Kessler
HEAD (Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design), Genève Département Cinéma (Cinéma du reel)

HEAD (Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design), Genève Département Cinéma (Cinéma du reel)

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