Danièle Huillet
BRD, I 1967
94 min

\"Chronicle\" was Straub's first project, the realization of which he planned and worked on for many years. Based on texts and an obituary by Philipp Emanuel Bach, the film depicts the composer's daily struggle for work, survival and his family. It shows people at work, singing, sewing, making music. It makes musical subjects visible and audible; it makes history and the past tangible and understandable. And it doesn't do so by reconstruction, but by constructing things anew: It sets musical subjects, texts, handwriting, bodies, instruments and rooms into swing and makes them collide. It investigates the past and sets fire to the old and rotten as well as to the new and modern. \"Chronicle\" is no less than a materialistic, mystical and revolutionary film.

  • Gustav Leonhardt - Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Christiane Lang-Drewanz - Anna Magdalena Bach
  • Joachim Wolf - der Rector
  • Rainer Kirchner - der Superintendent
  • Ernst Castelli - 1. Ratsherr