Aus Fleisch und Blut - Austrian Pulp: Genre-Kino aus Wien und Anderswo

Ultimate Retrospective of Austrian Pulp Cinema

26 Sep 2015

Ultimate Retrospective of Austrian Pulp Cinema

"Aus Fleisch und Blut - Austrian Pulp: Genre-Kino aus Wien und Anderswo" is dedicated to the other, the outrageous Austrian cinema and celebrates the colorful and wayward, the completely crazy of domestic genre film as genre expert and curator Paul Poet reveals in this interview.

This year's Special of Viennale and Filmarchiv Austria is shown October 9 to November 6 in the newly opened Metro Kinokulturhaus. 14 of the total 41 programs of "Aus Fleisch und Blut" can be seen at the Viennale.

Get more information on 9 October, 11.00 am here on our website.

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