
Schöne gelbe Farbe

Lovely Yellow Color
Angela Schanelec
D 1991
5 min

It was easiest when I left the flat. Each morning I tied a yellow scarf around my neck. The scarf had been left behind in my dressing-room one day, and when it started to snow, I took it with me, although the yellow looked somewhat funny on me. I wore it like a disguise while walking around in my flat. The shade of yellow would have been just as lovely on a flower as on a scarf. (Excerpt from the voice-over commentary)

This film is part of the special program ]]>The Future of Cinema. Selected works from the German Film and Television Academy Berlin]]> and will be shown in DFFB Programm 2.

  • Angela Schanelec
  • Angela Schanelec
  • Angela Schanelec
  • Velvet Underground

Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie, Potsdamer Str. 2, 10785 Berlin, Deutschland, T +49 30 257 59,

Deutsche Kinemathek
16 mm
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