

Donald McWilliams
Kanada 1995
58 min

In the beginning, a ride with a grocer lady’s car across bumpy country lanes. The director asks the lady for a story. As characters, she chooses a disabled boy and his teacher. During the ride across the country, the story, again and again faded in as a silent movie, is continued by changing narrators, developing great pleasure in spinning tales. Among the narrators: an old woman, a village community, a boxer, a school class. And at the same time, without one noticing it, the picture of the political and social situation in Thailand is being developed.

Will be screened together with <filmlink id=\"2586\">A Diary for Timothy</filmlink>.

  • Northrop Frye
  • Brian Moore
  • Jane Urquhart
National Film Board of Canada (NFB), Don Haig, Susan Huycke
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