Tales from the Jungle


Glauber Rocha
Brasilien 1966
15 min

Revolutionary pamphlet, prayer, historical investigation, cry of anger and hope. All that combines film rebel Glauber Rocha in just a few minutes. Paradise for a few, hell for more. Not a film of or about yesterday, even after 41 years, it is acute and a passionate warning, undestroyable dream of a different, new world.

  • Glauber Rocha
  • Fernando Duarte
  • Fernando Duart
Dptº de Turismo e Promoções do Estado do Amazonas

Paloma Rocha Produções Artísticas e Cinematográficas LTDA, Rua Barão de Oliveira Castro, 48 / 303 - Jardim Botanico, T 21 2226 0633, rochapaloma@terra.com.br

35 mm
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