

Katell Quillévéré
FRA 2013
94 min

Suzanne and Maria are sisters who are extremely close. They had a happy childhood despite the absence of their mother, who passed away when they were still little girls. Nicolas, their at times clumsy, but loving father runs the household the very best he can, until the day that Suzanne gets pregnant. Little Charlie arrives and the family gets bigger. Years go by, Suzanne meets Julien, a bit of a bad boy, and they fall hopelessly in love. “With Mariette desert, my co-scritpwriter, we wanted to deconstruct a story over the course of twenty years, a romanesque saga on the theme of destiny, which progresses in an elliptical manner. SUZANNE is the biopic of a stranger founded not on causality (the influence of major trauma during childhood on human destiny …) but on the power of chance and mystery in our lives.” (Katell Quillévéré)

  • Sara Forestier - Suzanne
  • Adèle Haenel - Maria
  • François Damiens - Nicolas
  • Paul Hamis - Julien
  • Timothé Lola Duenas - Irene
  • Corinne Masiero - Eliane
  • Mariette Désert
  • Katell Quillévéré
  • Tom Harari
  • Yolande Decarsin
  • Thomas Marchand
  • Verity
  • Anna Falguères
Move Movie, Mars Films, Imagine, Panache Productions, La Compagnie cinématographique

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