

Maximilian Erlenwein
DEU 2005
30 min

After months of absence, guitarist Tom Schulze suddenly surfaces in Berlin, where he is greeted by a chorus of disapproval: He is given a dusting at his local bar, his pregnant girlfriend slams the door in his face and even his best friend doesn't have a kind word for him. But Tom is just longing to be given a second chance and is prepared to answer for his former violent outbursts. Slowly, he begins to get a grip on his life once more. But then, with his goal within his grasp at last, he suddenly blows his top.

This film is part of the special program ]]>The Future of Cinema. Selected works from the German Film and Television Academy Berlin]]> and will be shown in DFFB Programm 3.

  • Fabian Hinrichs
  • Carsten Ludwig
  • Julia Brendler
  • Maximilian Erlenwein
  • The Chau Ngo
  • Alex Bieber
  • Uwe Zimmer

Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin, Potsdamer Str. 2, 10785 Berlin, Deutschland, T +49 30 257 59,

35 mm
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