
Ai to makoto

For Love's Sake
Miike Takashi
Japan 2012
134 min

When Ai, a wealthy model student, runs into Makoto, a poor and nasty young man, it prompts her to remember an incident that implicated both of them when they were kids, one that left the boy with a huge scar upon his face. Realizing that Makoto has become a delinquent who responds to being contradicted by inflicting multiple face-slaps, she decides to make a decent guy out of him, even if it means taking a few slaps of her own. However, every strategy adopted by Ai to quiet him down only serves to deepen his demons.

Adapted from the manga “Ai to Makoto”, created by Kajiwara Ikki, FOR LOVE'S SAKE is a hybrid feature joining savage brutality with charming musical segments, creating a stylized and colourful metaphor about the diametrically opposed realities experienced by its protagonists. Shifting from sweet romantic comedy to voluntarily exaggerated melodrama, with pit stops on dark thriller turf that never eclipse the sarcastic humor so characteristic of his work, Miike enjoys mixing genres with confounding agility. (Nicolas Archambault)


  • Emi Takei - Ai
  • Tsumabuki Satoshi - Makoto
  • Ihara Tsuyoshi
  • Saitoh Takumi
  • Ohno Ito
  • Takuma Takayuki
  • Kajiwara Ikki
  • Nagayasu Takumi nach der gleichnamigen Manga-Vorlage von Kajiwara Ikki
  • Kita Nobuyasu
  • Nakamura Jun
  • Yamashita Kenji
  • Kobayashi Takeshi
  • Hayashida Yuji
  • Hayashida Yuji
  • Suzuki Papaya
Kadokawa Shoten, Excellent Films, OLM Production

Kadokawa Shoten

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