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Insights - Young Critics' Circle

Return to Forever: Eureka by Lisandro Alonso

A text by Victor Morozov: There is nothing idyllic in Lisandro Alonso’s Eureka. Not even the landscape which, in his previous films (Liverpool, 2008; Jauja, 2016), could preserve precarious glimpses of silent majesty. In cinema, slowing down can become dangerous. We might call that danger "mannerism". When you focus on something for too long just for the sake of hollow duration, it feels like you're missing out on something else happening off-screen.

Image of movie Retratos fantasmas
Insights - Young Critics' Circle

The Centre of the Universe

A text by Victor Morozov: No sound, no movement, no memory would ever be lost again if every city in the world would be looked at with a gaze as attentive as Kleber Mendonça Filho's when it comes to Recife. Since this is not even remotely the case, one is left to admire and ponder the sensible richness of Retratos Fantasmas, his latest film – an audiovisual glimpse of an ideal world in which the layers of the urban tissue communicate and overlap without slipping into obscurity.