Retro: Chantal Akerman


Ich du er sie
Chantal Akerman
B, FRA 1974
85 min

Chantal Akerman is a triple threat in her 1974 film <![CDATA[<i>]]>Je Tu Il Elle<![CDATA[</i>]]>, serving as screenwriter, director and star. In the film's first section, she is seen posing alone in a near-empty room, and heard on the sound track making isolated comments about rearranging the furniture. She takes off her clothes. She eats sugar from a brown paper bag. She writes a long letter, then spreads the pages on the floor, scatters sugar over them and curls up in a ball. A man walks by outside the window. After a while, she puts her clothes back on and goes outside.
In the film's middle segment, she hitches a ride with a truck driver, played by Niels Arestrup. At first they barely talk. They stop for a meal together and eat in silence beside a tank of tropical fish. Gradually, the truck driver begins to unburden himself, talking to his passenger about eroticism. She listens attentively, then performs a sexual act according to his instructions. After this, he is significantly friendlier. He lets her watch him shave and gives her an affectionate pat. Thus ends the second episode.
In the last section, Miss Akerman's character is seen visiting another woman. She says she is hungry, and the woman (played by Claire Wauthion) makes her a sandwich. She then demands another sandwich and eats it greedily, after which she reaches for her friend. They remove their clothes and tussle athletically for a while. Then they fall asleep, and the film ends.

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