Tribute: Manoel de Oliveira


Luis Buñuel
Mexico 1952
92 min

The best of Buñuel’s Mexican films are the ones in which his personality, interests and wit have freer reign within the constraints of narrative convention. ÉL portrays the paranoia of Francisco, a madly jealous upper class Mexican. An almost clinical psychological study, it questions the power dynamics between the long-suffering wife and the husband, unhinged by sexual desire – whether for his wife or his butler remains somewhat ambiguous. It’s also a black joke, in which the paranoid lover driven mad might just have been right all along. Buñuel said of the film: “I was moved by this man with so much jealousy, so much internal loneliness and anxiety and so much external violence. I studied him like an insect.” (Dominique Russell)

Kindly supported by filmoteca unam.

  • Arturo de Córdova - Francisco Galván de Montemayor
  • Delia Garcés - Gloria
  • Aurora Walker - Señora Esperanza Peralta
  • Carlos Martínez Baena - Velasco/Padre
  • Luis Buñuel based on the novel (1926) by Mercedes Pinto
  • Gabriel Figueroa
  • William Claridge
  • Jesús González Gancy
  • Carlos Savage
  • Luis Herández Bretón
  • Edwald Fitzgerald
  • Henri de Chatillon
Ultramar Films, Producciónes Tepeyac
35 mm
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