
A volta ao mundo quando tinhas 30 anos

Around the World When You Were My Age
Aya Koretzky
P 2018
110 min

1969, im Alter von 30 Jahren, macht sich Jiro Koretzky, der Vater der Filmemacherin, auf eine Weltreise. Von Tokyo aus geht es in die Sowjetunion, nach Skandinavien, durch Europa, in den Mittleren und Nahen Osten und schließlich in die USA. Das ist alles lange her, wie die Abfolgen von Dias zeigen, auf denen in verblassten Farben ein fern vergangener Weltzustand abgebildet ist. Dazwischen Aufnahmen des älteren Herrn, der in seinem Garten werkt, während im Voiceover aus den Reisetagebüchern gelesen wird. Dazu Erinnerungen. Und schließlich der Eindruck einer großen, wertvollen Erfahrung: dass sich umzusehen auf diesem Planeten, eben nicht nur den Horizont erweitert, sondern auch das Herz. (Alexandra Seitz)

In Anwesenheit von Aya Koretzky.


Aya Koretzky’s debut feature is a travelogue and a meditation on humankind’s relationship with nature. Koretzky, who moved to Portugal when she was nine, reconstructs the round-the-world trip taken by her father Jiro in 1970, at the age of thirty: from Japan to the Soviet Union, Scandinavia, the rest of Europe and Middle East, and onwards to the United States. Koretzky mixes her present-day Super8 footage of Jiro tending to his garden and surveying his diaries with the photographs he took on his trip – all underlined by the bittersweet knowledge that he is losing his sight.
Meanwhile, the soundtrack mixes the narration of the trip from his diaries with an elaborately constructed soundscape, which ranges from the representational to the impressionistic. What emerges is the sense that what we find in the world at once reflects and changes what we already know. We witness Jiro’s profound empathy for places that echo the poverty of post-war rural Japan, his growing sense that there is a more harmonious way to live in nature aside from man’s need to dominate it, the conviction that beauty trumps efficiency, and that solitude can strike even amidst multitudes. (Ela Bittencourt)

In the presence of Aya Koretzky.

  • Jiro Koretzky
  • Anna Koretzky
  • Ary Koretzky De Vasconcelos
  • Kate Saragaço-Gomes
  • Aya Koretzky
  • Jiro Koretzky
  • Aya Koretzky
  • Miguel Clara Vasconcelos
  • Pedro Góis
  • Tomás Baltazar
C.R.I.M. Productions


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