
Medena zemja (OmeU)

Tamara Kotevska, Ljubomir Stefanov
MK 2019
86 min

Ein Baum sei sie nun geworden, sagt die blinde Mutter zur Tochter in der kargen Hütte ohne Wasser und Strom, wo die Filmcrew während drei Jahren das einsame Leben der Wildbienenimkerin Hatidse begleitet hat, ohne ein einziges Wort des türkischen Bergdialektes zu verstehen. Die nomadisierenden, weltmeisterlich fluchenden Nachbarn, anfangs noch freundlich empfangen, ignorieren Hatidses wesentliche Erfahrung – die Hälfte des Honigs muss bei den Bienen verbleiben – und zerstören dadurch die fragile Balance von Geben und Nehmen. Betörendes, bildmächtiges Beobachtungskino und zu Recht mit Preisen überhäufte Ökostudie aus Mazedonien. (Stephan Settele)


HONEYLAND is a vivid and multifaceted critique of unsustainable and greedy exploitation that revolves around Hatidze Muratova, the last keeper of wild bees in Macedonia, and her inspiring take on life and the use of natural resources. Throughout her life, Hatidze has earned her living by growing honey and selling it in the nearest town, following a simple, but fundamental rule: take half of the honey and leave the other half to the bees. This rule has been followed for generations, ensuring the continued existence of the bees themselves. However, this peaceful way of being and work ethic are upset by the arrival of Hussein and his family, and his entirely different approach to agricultural life. HONEYLAND is a sad and stirring tale of struggle, persistence, and change that insists on graceful respect for the natural world in an attempt to protect its vulnerability. It unfolds as a quiet, intimate, and intense portrait, exposing the fundamental tension between progress and tradition; between a philosophy for harmonious life and its sustainability versus reckless growth and the pursuit of profit. (Nico Marzano)

  • Hatidze Muratova
  • Nazife Muratova
  • Hussein Sam
  • Ljutvie Sam
  • Fejmi Daut
  • Samir Ljuma
  • Atanas Georgiev
  • Foltin
Apolo Media, Trice Films

Deckert Distribution

Stadtkino Filmverleih
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